Professor Boyages John

Professor John Boyages




Academic Appointments

Prof John Boyages graduated MB BS with Honours from University of Sydney in 1981. He was made a Fellow of the Royal Australian College of Radiologists in 1986, and was awarded a PhD degree in 1994 for a research thesis on factors predicting the recurrence of cancer within the breast and at other metastatic sites.

He undertook post-doctoral training at Westmead Hospital, where he became Senior Registrar in the Division of Radiation Oncology in 1987, and at the Joint Centre for Radiation Therapy, Harvard University, as a fellow with leading oncologist Professor Jay Harris.

Prof Boyages has published more than 70 articles, chapters and reports on aspects of breast cancer in peer-reviewed journals and books, and has been an invited speaker at local, national and international meetings.

Rooms for Consultations

Macquarie University